You Hate Being Single and..He Asked
Everyone has been in a relationship that they are sure they shouldn't be in. The person is not 100% right for them and they don't really seem like the type of person you want to spend your entire life with. Many people stay in relationships only because they have a fear of being alone and single. Trust me, I have been one of those people and it is no way to live. Saying yes to a marriage proposal out of fear that it will never happen again is VERY WRONG. It will benefit you in the long run that you take more time and not get into something you're really not ready for.
An Unexpected Pregnancy

Ahhh, you found out that the guy you met 2 months ago at the bar got you pregnant and you have no idea what to do. Marriage is not the answer. This may go against many peoples religious beliefs but marriage will not make the fact that you had an unplanned pregnancy go away. Your pregnancy is something beautiful and sacred and should not be taken lightly. Use that time of your life to prepare for the child that you are about to introduce to the world. If the father is the right man for you indeed discuss growing your relationship at another time, not due to the fact that you got knocked up.
For the Relationship to Improve
If you are in a rocky relationship and you feel that you need to make some changes to get it back on track getting married should be the last thing on your mind. Getting married requires a lot of thought and dedication. There are more life altering things to take into consideration when deciding to make such a large commitment. Instead of thinking marriage will fix all the problems try correcting the issues first then discuss marriage. You want to make a big decision like that once you are in a good mind space and emotions are not driving your decisions.
You're In Love
Being in love is a wonderful thing. It can make you feel like a person can do no wrong and life will be perfect. I learned a long time ago that every couple will go through an infatuation phase. That phase where his messiness doesn't bother you and her loud snoring is cute. The phase where you don't get bothered by her taking hours to get ready for a date or even his inability to inform you on social events. There is nothing wrong with going through this phase, in fact it's joyous to experience. The most important thing to realize is that this will wear off and reality of life will set in. If you can not only love but like your partner for all that they are you will be in a good place. Before quickly jumping to marriage be sure that the infatuation phase of your relationship has passed.
You Want a Dream Wedding
This, in my opinion, is by far one of the worst reasons to get married. Most women grow up dreaming about their wedding day. What her dress will look like, what color the flowers will be and even how the day will be planned. However, not many wishful brides consider the man, or woman, they will be marrying. The good news about wanting a dream wedding is that anyone can have one and in whatever way they choose. Don't settle for the Wall Street banker because he promised you a no budget wedding. Think about your life afterwards and if a dream wedding is really worth a lifetime of sadness.
Whatever reason you choose to say I Do, be sure that it has been a well thought out plan. Taking the step to get married is a big one and you don't want to end up one of those people that it takes a lifetime to figure it out!
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