Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Perfect Fit

Shopping and dating are becoming one in the same.

I like to think of myself as a pretty picky shopper. I find it very hard to just look at something and without a second, or third, thought purchase it and go about my merry way. Earlier this year  I was on a major hunt for a spring jacket. Something that wasn't too light or heavy, have pockets and be able to withstand rain. Most of all I didn't want it to be too expensive. I searched for months, going to over ten different stores and trying on at least a dozen jackets. None of which seemed to fit me just right. Sometimes the sleeves would be too long, they didn't fit right in the waist or they would either be too expensive or too cheap. Then after the third month of looking I finally found a jacket that fits me perfectly. It was right on a random day that I went out window shopping not expecting to buy anything. Before I actually tried on the winning jacket I looked at two jackets before that. When they didn't work I decided to take a break from looking and just leave the store. That was until I saw it. I picked up the jacket, examined the outside, checked the price and tried it on. It was a perfect fit. Just the right size, complimented my figure well and the price was well within my range. I was ecstatic. After looking for months I had finally found what I was looking for and it was when I least expected it.

That entire situation reminds me of dating. Like my spring jacket experience I had been looking, more so praying, for someone who would be my perfect fit. In the past I allowed myself to get overly excited and just pick a guy within an instant. I didn't take the time to inspect him, try him on, and  compare him to others. I wouldn't consider the price, in this case I was paying with time and emotions, and end up paying way more than they were actually worth. In the past year I have truly learned a lot about dating and how I must learn to treat it like shopping. However, unlike shopping when you don't like someone and choose to return it for a full refund you can't get your money back.

Now, don't get me wrong, you may have found what seems to be the perfect fit but it will change over time. The jacket might lose a button, the zipper may break and the color may fade over time. However, you will grow to love this jacket even more as it seasons. Because you have spent so much time in caring and loving it you will never be able to part ways with it. This same thing applies to a relationship. In the beginning everything will be perfect and you will be all smiles, but as time goes on and you begin to grow with one another and changes will arise. Changes that are perfectly normal and that you will want to happen.  I like to think of it like wine, its tastes better over time. Pus the foundation of who they are is what's important not what decorates them to make them pretty.

All in all I have found it best to wait for as long as possible for that perfect fit. No matter how long it takes, be patient and it will come and blow you away.

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