Monday, March 19, 2012

is there something on my face

as humans we are bound to look at another person. maybe to admire something they’re wearing or even just to admire them. its natural. i do it. what i don’t like is when people look at you like they have a problem with you. i mean they stare for a good while. for example im on the train this morning and there is this man. who’s handsome might i add. so we exchanged a few glances. that’s normal. but a few stops later a lot of people get on. there is a woman, maybe the same age as me. black and carrying a big box in her hand. i noticed from behind her that the way she had her hair styled was really cute. but that’s her hair. it was so many people on the train that she couldn’t have seen me look at her hair. i have looked away and went back to making sure that i don’t miss my stop. but a few seconds later this chick is staring straight in my face. and its not a friendly look either. it was one that could’ve been personal. she actually had a poop face on. maybe she had to poop. i don’t know. but that’s just one of those things about people i just don’t understand. if you’re going to take the time to stare at someone, a stranger at that, try to smile or at least smirk. cause giving a complete stranger the stink eye or poop face is totally uncalled for. but if you’re giving the poop face and you really have to poop, maybe its best that you don’t share that with the entire world. 

just saying.


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