Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Respect, is there an age limit?

As children we are taught to respect our elders. From the moment that we can talk, we make sure that we say “Yes ma’am.” or “No sir.” To do as we are told no matter what. And if we dont, well you know the rest.

As Ive gotten older that principle has never left my mind. But I have begun to question it. As those children get older, does the respect for them increase? When do those children, who have grown into adults, begin to recieve that respect that they were taught to give?

To me the focus is taken off of the title of elders and children. It turns into human and human. Often times older adults forget that we young adults have feelings and emotions just like they do. That the things they say about us and to us can sometimes be harmful. Yes, we pretend to be tough and act like it doesn’t bother us. But let me tell you there is nothing worse than being ijudged and disrespected by people who you all your life did everything to please them.

I don’t want to make this long but its just on my mind. Respect is such a strong word that is so weakly used.

All I want is for it to be given and recieved equally.


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