Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hi I'm with Sexy---->

So since I moved back to the DC area I have been in search of a gym. Especially since mother nature has felt that she can become a wind storm at any given moment. I have been running (like almost everyday running) since October 2010, but when I first started I was in California. I know I know, why in the hell did I leave California? I was in AmeriCorps NCCC for a year (another story) and so I had been running in that beautiful weather for a year. Unfortunately I can’t get that same luxury over here on the east coast. Needless to say, I found a gym on Monday, joined on Tuesday and been every day since. Its Thursday by the way. I’m telling you, I laughed today and thought I was going to spit up skittles. There are some muscles you just don’t use when all you do is run. Now I’m not a gym rat by any means, but I enjoy the act of working out. It makes me feel good, especially when I know what I’m doing is going to pay off in the end. The point of this random post is that I’m getting my gym groove back. 

On a side note, I was on the elliptical yesterday and this lady a little under 5 feet got on this machine next to me, and was damn near on Lance Armstrong’s level. I mean she was gone and there I was just all regular and shit. But that’s cool cause I’m proud to be a regular gym user. I won’t pretend like I’m some super macho elliptical extraordinaire. As a matter of fact I’m going back to my lovely treadmill today. Hmm… 

Let me go, so I head out to the gym again. I tell you one thing, sore or not I know I’m going to get my monies worth! ttyl!


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