About a month ago I met this guy at a bar. Well it was actually my birthday and he was working. Anyway, as I’m sitting at the bar enjoying my birthday drinks, yes drinks, I notice this tall chuck of chocolate eyeing me. So naturally I give him a little glance back just to let him know that I see him. And that I like what I see. A few more glances and smiles are exchanged before I pay my tab and head out. When I get up to leave, I hear this voice behind me saying, “Excuse me, miss.” I turn around to see who it is and it’s Mr. Dark Chocolate Chunk handing me a slip of paper and saying, “This is usually frowned upon, but I couldn’t let you leave without me giving you my number”. I smile, say thank you and walk away. ( In my head I was like hell yeah! Sexual chocolate!!)
Walking out of the restaurant I open the piece of paper and it reads Ricky with a matching phone number. Now, by this time I’m a little tipsy so my thoughts are all over the place. I slip the number in my purse and proceed to go home. My day continues as expected I go out and enjoy my birthday just as expected (and some).
The next day I’m going through my purse and I find the piece of paper with the number of Ricky. I contemplate whether or not I want to use it, after about a minute I decide to give it a go. I sent a basic text of saying who I was and asking him how he was. A few hours later I receive a response that he was glad I contacted him. After a few days of chatting, he asked me out and I agreed.
Now, the interesting thing about this situation is that I agreed to a late night date. (He had to work until 10) And by late I mean 10:30 pm. Usually I wouldn’t agree to such a thing but I’m trying to try new things and accept change. Naturally I was excited about the date. So I made sure hair was right, jeans fit just right and that every inch of me was in perfect condition. He was very attractive and our conversations before were nice, so of course I wanted to know more about him.
After arriving 5 minutes late to meeting him, I received a text saying that he was running a few minutes, but I could come to his job and wait there. I didn’t feel comfortable doing that so I waited at the restaurant we were going to meet at. A few minutes come and goes and I’m still waiting. I text back and say what’s up, Im about to leave. He responds saying that he’s sorry he’s still trying to get out. It is now after 11pm (over 40 damn minutes later) and I’ve been waiting too damn long, and that’s something I would never do! He responds, “srry”. O_O What the hell is that?!?! I left that night and as I did, I deleted his number. That was such a sign saying RUN GIRL!! and FAST!
Memorial Day weekend I get a text message asking me how Im doing.
Hmm, better now that I’m not holding my breathe for your late ass!
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