Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blogging for Books: I Quit Sugar by Sarah Wilson Review


Hi everyone!

I'm so excited to be reviewing my first book for Blogging for Books. It is only fitting that I choose a cookbook as my first review. I initially chose this particular book because of the title. I mean who doesn't want to become my health conscience about the sugar they intake daily. So needless to say I was quite surprised by the fact that I actually enjoyed reading it and look forward to cooking more of the recipes. To make this review quick and easy I break it down to three pros and three cons.


  1. Bright and colorful. It's a cookbook and one without color is just wrong. The author made sure to include plenty of pictures of what most of the recipes should look like. Having a visual aspect in a cookbook makes it more user friendly.

  2. Factual. This book is filled with great facts about sugar and all it entails. Many things I had no clue about. I.e. the amount of sugar in one banana.

  3. Recipes are easy to follow. I made one dish, the breakfast casserole[gallery columns="2" ids="2213,2214"]

    It turned out really good and my boyfriend loved it!


  1. Some of the items listed in the recipes are not easy to find so you would have to substitute a lot. Some items are also on the pricey side. But no one said eating healthy would be cheap.

  2. The book price is a bit pricey in my opinion. I would take about $5 off. After taxes you're looking at a close $30 and that's just totally not worth it.

  3. I really don't like that's she eliminates fruit in the eight week program. That's one reason why I haven't started it completely yet. I mean, I love my red plums!!

Anyway guys! I hope this helps! Be sure to go over to and sign up to get your free book!

Happy Blogging!!

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