Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sex on the First Date? To Give It Up or Not

Do You Lose Respect for a woman who sleeps with a guy on the first date?

This topic has always been known to cause a huge debate. No matter if you're a southern belle or a city chick a woman will always be judged by how quickly she has sex with a guy. Back in the 50's (why do people always reference the fifties when discussing something dated) women weren't as sexual as they are now. Well at least not openly. It was all about being ladylike and preparing for your life as a wife and mother. But now as far back as I can remember, maybe middle school at least, women are displayed and used as a sexual object by both men and women. In any form or fashion too. Music videos, photos, books and even video games. Women are seen as sexual objects openly available for amusement. However, the moment a woman makes the decision for herself to be sexually open she is seen as some type of whore or whatever slang term of your choice. Men can be open about having sex with as many women as they please. That same freedom for women comes with a price. They have to deal with ridicule and embarrassment from men and other women. What people fail to realize it that a woman knows within minutes whether or jot she wants to be physical with the person. Something they also don't realize is that she can change her mind just as quickly. See men don't really care about what comes out of a woman's mouth, as long as the physical features are good they will doing anything it takes to get the cookie (that's my word for vagina). Women (majority of them) need more substance before they just get naked with someone. But if she just so happens to be feeling that guy on date one and is wanting something more physical from him then she is suddenly the bad girl.

In my honest opinion (not like all of the above wasn't) women have every right to hook up with a guy on the first date. As long as she is protecting herself and making the level-headed decision for herself then it's all good. I mean I knew from the moment I saw my boyfriend that I was physically attracted to him and even had fantasies about him. That's all apart of being a woman. Hell it's just human!

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