Monday, April 2, 2012

why are YOU whispering?

i was out to dinner the other night, and the topic of racism in the movie Hunger Games came up. i wasn’t aware of the details of this news so one of the women i was with started to explain it to me. as she started to explain it her voice got really quiet and she continued to speak in a whisper. i immediately became confused. mind you this chick wasn’t black and other than me the only other black person in this Vietnamese restaurant was our friend sitting next to us. so i couldn’t understand why she was whispering. 

when i got home i started to reflect on that conversation and how it went. and as I’m reflecting on it, i couldn’t figure out why this chick whispered when she started talking about racism. i kind of got the feeling that she was either afraid to talk about it or embarrassed to talk about it. which i think is the main problem with some of the non African American race. they think that they have to put the topic of racism on the hush hush and beat around the bush about. to me that’s down playing it and not making it an issue when it needs to be an issue. why did she find it necessary to whisper it? i hope she didn’t think she had to do it for me. i don’t mind having a discussion on racism. i think its healthy. down playing it and making it seem like its not a problem is where i draw the line. 

i wish more people, black or white, would be proactive about discussing the issues of race in America. its sad sometimes that when I’m around a mixed crowd of friends and conversation gets serious voices start to lower and opinions begin to disappear. its sad. but you can’t change everyone. 

but to all my friends and readers who are afraid to talk about racism, try to be more verbal about it. i mean at least show that you care. 



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